SPA Pricelist
It smoothes and nourishes the skin; treatment on the basis of luxury Clarins scrub and nourishing body mask
the expert body contouring treatment which drainsand filters to restore a feeling of lightness and well-being, body contours are refined and the skin is smoother and more comfortable.
Intensive exfoliation combined with individually chosen body treatment: Contour Shaper or Body Firming Expert.
Youth expert 60 min..................429 zł
Youth expert 90 min................. 529 zł
Full body peeling, compress and massage. A firming and rejuvenating treatment
based on cranberry extract, urea, natural butters and oils. The active Provislim
complex fights cellulite and makes the skin elastic.
body exfoliation, relaxing body massage and body- firming and nourishing mask using cosmetics with natural botanical extract
Anti- cellulite acoustic wave
1 treatment/ 1 body part.......................................199 zł
10 series of 10 treatments/ 1 body part............... 1 299 zł
series of 5 treatments* 25 min..................................................799 zł
Series of 5 treatments* 50 min...........................................................1199 zł
Body treatment for the problematic area with individually selected capsule.
Deep tissue massage 25 min.................... 199 zł
Deep tissue massage 50 min.....................329 zł
replenishes magnesium deficiencies
nourishes and moisturises, sweet scent and foam sugar Your time
salt and algae detoxify, eliminate swelling and firm the skin
combination of bio elements and essential oils has regenerating, refreshing and antiseptic effect
facial treatment with massage.....................................................................................329zł
treatment of face and neck and neckline with massage.................................................359 zł
Stamary facial treatment - individually tailored care 30 min.............199 zł
Stamary facial treatment - individually tailored care 50 min.............289 zł
Author's Stamary Massage with exfoliation 50 min............................ 289 zł
Author's Stamary Massage with exfoliation 75 min.............................389 zł
A combination of smooth, relaxing Lomi Lomi
techniques with ancient Ayurveda and stretching elements........................................50 min. 289 zł
.....................................................................................................................................75 min. 389 zł
Classical massage with aromatic oil 25 min.............................................189 zł
Classical massage with aromatic oil 50min...............................................299 zł
Classical massage with aromatic oil 80 min..............................................389 zł
Relaxing massage with candle wax 25 min.....................................................................199 zł
Relaxing massage with candle wax 50 min.....................................................................319 zł
Relaxing massage with candle wax 80 min.....................................................................429 zł
Relaxing chocolate massage 25 min.................................................................199 zł
Relaxing chocolate massage 50 min.................................................................319 zł
Relaxing chocolate massage 75 min.................................................................429 zł
Detoxifying honey massage 25 min.................199 zł
Detoxifying honey massage 50 min.................299 zł
Relaxing hot stone massage 25 min................ 189 zł
Relaxing hot stone massage 50 min.................299 zł
Luxurious relaxing massage based on oil with gold particles 25 min.......219 zł
Luxurious relaxing massage based on oil with gold particles 50 min.......359 zł
Massage of head, neck and shoulders 25 min.............189 zł
Massage of head, neck and shoulders 40 min.............239 zł
Surcharge to Clarins oil during full body massage...............................................................59 zł
Surcharge to Carins oil during partial massage...................................................................39 zł
Pedicure z peelingiem stóp, odżywczą maską i malowaniem odżywką
Body massage with chocolate butter
Back massage with chocolate butter
Masaż twarzy na maśle kokosowym
Manicure biologiczny z kolorowym malowaniem
Feet peeling and massage
Hands peeling and massage
Bath with hydromasage milk foam and body massage together in one treatment room.
Body massage with chocolate butter for a child relaxing. aromatic back massage for an adult
Wo-Ma Sp. z o.o. realizuje projekt dofinansowany z Funduszy Europejskich Dotacje na kapitał obrotowy Programu Operacyjnego Inteligenty Rozwój 2014-2020
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